Missing in Action

Yes, that is what I have been up to – Missing in Action. There has been plenty of action, which has kept me super busy, and I haven’t posted. 😦 I wish I could say it has been an exciting absence, but, no, it has been the busyness of life that has kept me from posting. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to. Oh well, such is life.

Here is a picture of my pumpkin and me! Not the best quality photo, we snapped it at church this past weekend.

Happy New You!

Happy New Year to You!…. and Me! New Year’s is always so exciting; it brings a promise of a new day, new hopes, promises and adventures to be had. A fresh start of sorts. It’s almost as if, if you start in January you will be able to conquer any  task. So here is my task – as you can tell since you are here reading, I’ve decided to blog. I want to share, and post pictures and make new friends! I don’t plan for it to be perfect and it may not even be interesting, but it will be all me! So please feel free to share with me as well.
